Plastic free july feature
Blue Kaufman

Blue Kaufman

Plastic Free July Survival Guide

It’s that time of year again. Better than Christmas or even your birthday….It’s Plastic Free July! Each year, millions of participants across the world “choose to refuse” plastic items with this month-long challenge. If you’ve been looking for a way to cut down on plastic and reduce your impact on the environment this is the opportunity for you!

Attempting to go plastic free isn’t easy. We live in a single use world in which plastic items are created to be used briefly, yet last forever. This survival guide will help you build up your reusable arsenal—equipping you with the eco-friendly tools needed to tackle the challenge this July.


Use a reusable water bottle
Reusable water bottles are better for the environment, durable, cost effective (tap water is free!), and better for your health.

Say no to straws
Plastic straws are small, and therefore pose especially high risks to wildlife that mistake them for food. Just say no to these harmful micro plastics!

Carry a travel mug
Ask businesses to refill your mug with your heated beverage of choice instead of using single use plastic cups…many will give you a discount for doing so!

Remember your reusable bag
Canvas bags are cheap and easy alternatives to plastic grocery bags (which by the way cannot be recycled). You can even transform old t-shirts into reusable bags with this 10 minute tutorial.

Bring your own utensils
Consider this: every plastic utensil you’ve ever used at a restaurant still exists somewhere. Reduce your impact by carrying your own bamboo travel utensils wherever you go!


Avoid excess packaging
Make a point to buy fresh fruits and vegetables instead of those that come in pre-packaged plastic. Bring your own produce bags instead of using the plastic ones…you don’t need them!

Buy in bulk
Grocery shop at stores that utilize bulk packaging such as Lucky’s Market. Here, you can bring your own containers from home to fill up on rice, grains, coffee,flour, spices, and more.

Pack your lunch without using plastic
Ditch ziploc bags and pack your lunch using a re-usable alternative such as tupperware or mason jars. You can also purchase reusable ziplocs .

Switch to re-usable wraps
These re-usable wraps use non-toxic beeswax that clings to containers and produce so you don’t have to use saran wrap. Buy them online or even make them yourself!


Swap out your plastic toothbrush
Consider switching your plastic toothbrush for a fully compostable (and trendy) bamboo one. Bamboo is a fast growing grass, making it a materials that’s versatile and sustainable.

Ditch the disposable razors
The EPA estimates that 2 billion razors are thrown away each year. Safety razors are made of stainless steel and have recyclable blades. They’re also cheaper and produce a higher quality closer shave.

Consider a menstrual cup
reusable alternative to the immense waste generated from single use plastic tampons and pads.

Buy or make plastic free soaps
Shampoo, conditioners, and body wash typically come in plastic-intensive packaging that can be difficult to recycle. Bar soaps not only use less plastic, but also don’t contain the harmful additives found in commercial soaps.